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Manufactured Home
Permit Application Process
STEPS to Obtain
the Building Permit:
Do I need a building permit for my home? It's already built.
You do need a building permit for your manufactured home per the State of WI (SPS 320.02(1)(d). So whether you are replacing an existing manufactured home or moving a new or used manufactured home onto your property, you are required to get a building permit.
Some municipalities have zoning ordinances that may dictate style, size, year, and location of your manufactured home. Please check the zoning requirements in your municipality.
Gather required documents #1-9 (see below) to make a complete application packet.
Submit complete application packet to our office during walk-in office hours (M-TH, 1PM-4 PM) or by appointment. Email for an appointment.
Wait patiently for permit application to be reviewed. The review process may take up to 10 business days to complete. (This timeline is dictated by state code and the countdown starts upon the receipt of a complete packet.) Plan accordingly.
Pick up and pay for your permit. When your permit is ready for payment, an email will be sent with the cost and instructions for paying if you are in a township. If you are building in a City or Village, the City or Village will contact you for payment and pick up. Note: Starting the project prior to having the permit in-hand may result in double permit fees/daily fines.
Begin inspection process. Click here to find out more about the inspection process.
for Application Packet:
SPS 320.10 On-Site Inspections of Manufactured Homes The inspections shall follow the same general procedure as the stick-built home. There shall be an inspection of the excavation, footing, foundation, below and above grade foundation insulation, and a final inspection. All of the rough inspections on the home itself will have been made by certified inspectors in the plant. The municipality or agency performing on-site inspections will be responsible for inspecting the electrical, plumbing, structural and insulation systems installed at the site. Although in-plant work may be done by non-licensed workers, any on-site work must be done by properly credentialed workers and contractors.
Provide copies of all listed below.
1. Driveway Permit
All new homes need either a driveway application or a copy of an approved driveway permit (from the municipality) turned in with the new house building application. If you are building in the towns of Clifton, Hammond, Oak Grove, or the Village of Baldwin, you will obtain a driveway permit from us. If you are building in any other municipality you will get your driveway permit from them. For more information on driveway permits, click here.
2. Sanitary Permit
Your licensed plumber will apply to the county in which you are building in unless you are connecting to village or city sewer. In that case, you will contact the Village/City Administrator. If you are replacing a manufactured home with another manufactured home, you will need to obtain a sanitary "reconnect" permit.
3. Land Use/Zoning/Conditional Use Permit
(Note: A Land Use or Zoning permit is NOT the same as a building permit.)
It is up to the applicant to make sure that all zoning regulations are being followed. This includes but is not limited to making sure there are not restrictions on what you intend to use the structure for, how many structures are allowed, the height of a structure, and the physical landscape of the lot (i.e. slopes, ponds, rivers, easements, protected areas....) Your building permit only addresses construction codes etc. Anything relating to the above is outside All Croix's responsibility. If you are unsure who to contact about zoning, click here. If you are in the Village of Bay City, click here for the Land Use application.
4. 2 Sets of Building Plans
Please include 2 sets of plans or manufactured home packet. You must include anchoring detail. You may have to provide the HUD certified manufacturing specifications for anchoring if it differs from the requirements of the UDC.
5. Deck Plans
We will also need the construction plans for any decks or exiting stairs including a top view and side view of the deck or decks as well as the completed the Typical Deck Framing worksheet.
6. Certified Survey Map (CSM) or Plat
Obtain a CSM from the Register of Deeds at the County (You will find your setback information on this.) If one is not available for your acreage, you will need to contact the zoning administrator to see what the property is zoned and what your setbacks are. If your project is zoned by Pierce County, this is provided on your Land Use Permit.
If you were issued any variances by the State, County, Village, City, or Town, please submit a copy with your building application and other necessary documents.
8. Cautionary Statement to Owners Obtaining Building Permits
If you are an owner acting as your own general contractor or you do not have a WI licensed Manufactured Home Installer, you must sign a cautionary statement of liability.
9. WI Uniform Dwelling Application
Please fill out in its entirety. The Manufactured Home Installer license substitutes for the Dwelling Contractor Qualifier Certification (DCQ.) You will also need to enter the WI Licensed Master plumber, Electrical Contractor, and Master Electrician.
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