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Luxury House

 New Dwelling
(Structure with Living Quarters) 


What types of structures qualify as NEW DWELLINGS?


Any new structure or existing structure whether temporary or permanent that will have space for eating, sleeping, residing.  This includes but is not limited to: 


stick-built houses

modular homes



hunting cabins

sheds with living quarters


This does not include manufactured homes.

(See Manufactured Home process here.)

Steps​ to Obtain a
New Dwelling Permit

​Gather required documents #1-13 (see below) to make a complete application packet. 
Submit complete application packet to our office during walk-in office hours (M-TH, 1PM-4PM)  or by appointment.  Email for an appointment.
Wait  for permit application to be reviewed.  The review process may take up to 10 business days to complete. (This timeline is dictated by state code and the countdown starts upon the receipt of a complete packet.) Plan accordingly.
Pick up and pay for your permit. When your permit is ready for payment, an email will be sent with the cost and instructions for paying if you are in a township.  If you are building in a City or Village, the City or Village will contact you for payment and pick up. Note: Starting the project prior to having the permit in-hand may result in double permit fees and/or daily fines.
Begin inspection process. Click here to find out more about the inspection process.

DOCUMENTS Needed for Application Packet:
We can't accept singular documents that do not comprise a complete application packet. Provide copies of all documents listed below.

​1. Permit Application Checklist

This checklist will help you keep track of the documents needed for your application.  Please print and submit with application packet.




2.  Driveway Permit
All new homes need a driveway application (if All Croix is the issuing agent,) or a copy of an approved driveway permit, or documentation stating a permit is not needed from the proper issuing agent.  In Pierce County you need a driveway permit in order to get a Land Use permit  For more information, click here.
3.  Land Use/Zoning or Conditional Use Permit
Pierce County Land Management requires applicants obtain a Land Use Permit for all new dwellings.  St. Croix County Community Development only requires a Land Use Permit in certain situations.  Villages and Cities are not under County zoning so any additional land-use/zoning  permits would be thru the City or Village.  The Town of River Falls also has its own zoning administrator so if you are building in the Town of River Falls, you will get a land use/zoning permit from the Town of River Falls zoning administrator. 

​Check with the zoning administrator for your municipality to see if a zoning/land use or conditional use permit is required.  It is up to the applicant to make sure that all zoning regulations are being followed.  This includes but is not limited to making sure there are not restrictions on what you intend to use the structure for, how many structures are allowed, the height of a structure, where the structure is located and the physical landscape of the lot (i.e. slopes, ponds, rivers, easements, protected areas....)  Your building permit only addresses construction codes etc.  Anything relating to the above is outside All Croix's responsibility. 




3.  County-recorded Certified Survey Map (CSM) or the County-recorded Complete Plat Map 
Most properties have a certified survey map or are recorded on a plat map for the development.  These documents can be obtained from the County Register of Deeds.  This document may show the setbacks for the property as well as any easements or pre-platted driveways.  If the property is part of a development, we need the complete plat map for the development (in order to see notes and the legend pertaining to the development.) We do not want the house stake out plan for this requirement. (The house stake-out plan, however,  is sufficient for the site plan.)  We want the official document recorded at the County that includes a legend. Note: It will have a stamped county seal.  If your property is unplatted and a formal map is not available, it is your responsibility to contact the zoning administrator for your property for setbacks or any other information pertinent to zoning.  See above.
5.  Sanitary Permit
Your licensed plumber will apply to the county in which you are building in unless you are connecting to village or city sewer. In that case, you do not have to provide a sanitary permit in your packet.
​6.  Finalized Building Plans 
  •  Building plans must have information as required by SPS 320.09(5).  This includes site plan, floor plans (including braced wall detail,) floor elevations, and detailed cross sections.
  • You must include detailed plans for any decks-side view, top view and the Design Load Specifications Worksheet.    If these documents are not included in the initial new house application packet, a separate permit application for any decks will be required.  
  • If you are building a slab-on-grade home you need to provide engineering/structural analysis using WI UDC loads. 
  • You will need to submit in your application packet  (2) 11"x17" sized copies and (1) 24" x 36" sized copy for a total of 3 copies of the plans if your project location is in a City, a Village or The Town of Clifton otherwise you will submit two copies
7.  Completed UDC Building Permit Application 
Anyone building any structure that has living quarters must fill this out.  It's the law.  Complete in its entirety. 
8.  Calculated Braced Wall Detail
All new dwelling application packets are required to demonstrate compliance with SPS 321.25(8) by indicating all five of the  bullets below. 
Clearly indicate:
  • the description of the circumscribed boxes
  • the placement of the wall bracing on your plans
  • the method used
  • the calculated amount of wall bracing REQUIRED
  • and the amount of wall bracing PROVIDED  
Braced wall detail is required even for a  house that is a slab on grade, pole shed design, or a stick-built house. 
Please note that walls over 12'  require structural analysis.
If you are intending to use SIPS, please have a copy of the engineering showing load criteria meeting or exceeding the UDC. 
For more information watch the WI UDC Wall Bracing Video.   For an example of acceptable wall bracing documentation, click here.
9.  Site Plan
This should detail house placement, any other structure locations, the well location, septic area, drainage easements, property easements, driveway location, utility placement and any other pertinent information.  All distances must be clearly labeled to determine if setbacks are met. This includes distances from the new house to any roads,  lot lines,  well, septic, driveway, easements and any other other structures   You may also show Erosion Control on this site map  (See below.)  THIS IS NOT THE SAME AS THE CSM OR PLAT MAP.
10.  Erosion Control  Plan
Indicate on site plan where silt fences, soil piles, and other needed erosion control methods will be placed and complete the Standard Erosion Control packet.  
11.  REScheck Compliance Documentation 
        Both reports are needed (Version 4.6 or Newer)
1. Must have 2009 IECC report  signed by preparer, checklist included
2. And one of the reports below:
a. â€‹Heating Equipment Sizing Summary  
b. the UDC 2009 report, signed by the preparer, checklist included 
Note: Pierce and St Croix Counties are located in Zone 6.
12. Copy of Recorded Deed 
If you have had a recent property transfer, you must provide a copy of the recorded deed if the transfer has not yet been updated in the Pierce County or St. Croix County GIS
13. Contact Your Municipality 
Some municipalities require town board approval for your home.  Some municipalities have comprehensive town plans that must be taken into consideration. (For example,  you are required to get town board approval if you are building in the Town of Maiden Rock.)  Some areas are under municipal zoning.   Make sure your plans fit the municipality guidelines.  If a variance of some sort is required, you need to turn in the approval with your application packet.


This checklist will help you keep track of the documents needed for your application.  Please print and submit with application packet.


  Land Use/Zoning or Conditional Use Permit
(Note: A Land Use or Zoning permit is NOT the same as a building permit.) 

Check with the zoning administrator for your municipality to see if a zoning/land use or conditional use permit is required.  
It is up to the applicant to make sure that all zoning regulations are being followed.  This includes but is not limited to making sure there are not restrictions on what you intend to use the structure for, how many structures are allowed, the height of a structure, where the structure is located and the physical landscape of the lot (i.e. slopes, ponds, rivers, easements, protected areas....)  Your building permit only addresses construction codes etc.  Anything relating to the above is outside All Croix's responsibility.  


 Certified Survey Map (CSM) or  Complete Plat Map, if available

Most properties have a certified survey map or are recorded on a plat map for the development.  These documents can be obtained from the County Register of Deeds.  This document may show the setbacks for the property as well as any easements or pre-platted driveways.  If the property is part of a development, we need the complete plat map for the development (in order to see notes and the legend pertaining to the development.) We do not want the house stake out plan for this requirement. (The house stake-out plan, however,  is sufficient for the site plan.)  We want the official document recorded at the County that includes a legend. Note: It will have a stamped county seal.  If your property is unplatted and a formal map is not available, it is your responsibility to contact the zoning administrator for your property for setbacks or any other information pertinent to zoning.  See above.


Driveway Permit

All Croix issues the driveway permits for  the Village of Baldwin, the Town of Hammond, the Town of Kinnickinnic and the Town of Richmond.  Your driveway permit application can be turned in at the same time as your new dwelling application packet in these municiaplities.  All Croix also issues driveway permits for the Towns of Oak Grove and Clifton which are in Pierce County.  However, a driveway permit is required to get a Land Use permit in Pierce County, therefore, if you are building in the Towns of Oak Grove or Clifton, this step should already be complete. 


Most properties have a certified survey map or are recorded on a plat map for the development.  These documents can be obtained from the County Register of Deeds.  This document may show the setbacks for the property as well as any easements or pre-platted driveways.  If the property is part of a development, we need the complete plat map for the development (in order to see notes and the legend pertaining to the development.) We do not want the house stake out plan for this requirement. (The house stake-out plan, however,  is sufficient for the site plan.)  We want the official document recorded at the County that includes a legend. Note: It will have a stamped county seal.  If your property is unplatted and a formal map is not available, it is your responsibility to contact the zoning administrator for your property for setbacks or any other information pertinent to zoning.   If you are unsure who to contact about zoning for your property,  click here.


Building Energy Codes Program


 Certified Survey Map (CSM) or  Complete Plat Map, if available

Most properties have a certified survey map or are recorded on a plat map for the development.  These documents can be obtained from the County Register of Deeds.  This document may show the setbacks for the property as well as any easements or pre-platted driveways.  If the property is part of a development, we need the complete plat map for the development (in order to see notes and the legend pertaining to the development.) We do not want the house stake out plan for this requirement. (The house stake-out plan, however,  is sufficient for the site plan.)  We want the official document recorded at the County that includes a legend. Note: It will have a stamped county seal.  If your property is unplatted and a formal map is not available, it is your responsibility to contact the zoning administrator for your property for setbacks or any other information pertinent to zoning.   If you are unsure who to contact about zoning for your property,  click here.
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