Electrical Service Process
Solar Array and stand-alone Electrical Service Upgrade or replacement projects will have an electrical service inspection at the same time as the final inspection. In order to request or schedule a final, the electrical certificate must be uploaded prior to the request.
All other projects that require an electrical service inspection will scheduled upon receipt of the completed electrical certificate and within the timeframe dictated by WI State Code. If you are scheduling another type of inspection, you can include in the notes of the inspection request that your certificate has been uploaded and your project is ready for the service inspection.
Step 1
Determine which utility provides services for the project location. (See links on left.)
Step 2
Complete all the steps required by Utility Company for new service or service upgrade.
Step 3
Master Electrician installs service.
*Step 4
Master Electrician completes the correct utility's Electrical Service Certificate and uploads to All Croix.
*Please make sure you have the correct utility form. (This is not the utility's application form.) A Wisconsin Licensed Master Electrician must sign the form. Incorrect or incomplete forms will be charged additional administration fees for resubmittal.
Step 5
All Croix schedules service inspection upon receipt of the completed electrical certificate and within the timeframe dictated by WI State Code.
Step 6
All Croix completes the service inspection. Upon an approved inspection, the Electrical Certificate is signed off on by the building inspector and the certificate is forwarded to the utility company. The applicant will get an inspection report at this time.
Relevant Codes
Wisconsin State Electric Code
PSC 114.003(2)
(a) A utility must obtain proof of compliance with Volumes 1 and 2 of the Wisconsin State Electric Code before energizing service. Proof of such compliance shall consist of a certificate furnished by a municipal or other recognized inspection department or officer, or if there is no such inspection department or officer it shall consist of a written statement furnished by the contractor or other person doing the wiring, indicating that there has been such compliance.